
Agile diagramm

    UX - User experience
    UML - Unified Modeling Language
    ER - Entity relationship
    CAD - Computer Aided Design

    QA - Quality Assurance
    SRS - Software requirements specification
    SDP - Software defined perimeter
    SDD - Software design description
    STD - Software test description

    design of the....(NO)
    the product won't(YES)
    Req gath nalysis...(YES)
    the product...(YES)

Software Development Life Cycle


Requirements analysis and planning are the keys to the success of an implementation. At this stage, you should set up a management team to define the costs and benefits of the project, select a project team, and set out the detailed stages that will have to be carried out.

  • knowing what to configure,
  • deciding if you should adapt the software, or perhaps change your method of working, for some of your specialized processes,
  • forming teams that can specify and work on some of the changes,
  • ensuring that your users are committed to the change.
  • sometext

    Per BABOK guide, official definition of requirement is: ... “A condition or capability needed by a stakeholder to solve a problem or achieve an objective.” In simpler words, a decision-making process to derive requirements from needs.

  • Identify stakeholders
  • Requirements Elicitation
  • Identify requirement categories
  • Analyze requirements
  • Requirements documentation
  • sometext

    Product architecture is the organization (or chunking) of a product's functional elements. It's the ways these elements, or chunks, interact. It plays a significant role in how to design, make, sell, use, and repair a new product offering. Linking to system-level design and the principles of system engineering.

  • Create a schematic of the product
  • Cluster the elements of the schematicli>
  • Draft a geometric layout
  • Identify fundamental and incidental interactions
  • sometext

    Software development refers to a set of computer science activities dedicated to the process of creating, designing, deploying and supporting software. Software itself is the set of instructions or programs that tell a computer what to do. ... Application software (applications or apps) to help users perform tasks.

    Product testing, also called consumer testing or comparative testing, is a process of measuring the properties or performance of products. The theory is that since the advent of mass production, manufacturers produce branded products which they assert and advertise to be identical within some technical standard

    Software deployment is the process of delivering completed software to the client who ordered it or rolling out the software to consumers. Software deployment should only take place after thorough testing to ensure that all the flaws and bugs have been identified and fixed.
